Kisitu Erias
Director Agrenes
Our Vision
To work with farmers to maximize their productivity in agriculture, incurring low cost in their productivity and generating more profits, encourage climate smart practices.
We are a distinguished project implementing powerhouse in Uganda specializing in in Agriculture Environment and Ecosystem related fields.
Providing Support to Farmers.
Through skilling and tooling. We aim to make farming lucrative to all involved
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Agrenes Frepro
Find the best savings on Ugandan products in the UK on our ecommerce platform Agrenes Frepro.
Our Mission
To advance food security, increase prosperity and promote technologies that advance sustainable natural resource utilization.
Our Company's Core Values
Personal Accountability
Some of Our Services
Export Services
We provide export services to Ugandan farmers enabling them to access global markets.
Support Services
We provide support services to farmer and teach them modern farming skills and technologies to improve yields and protect the environment.
Training Services
We provide skilling clinics to farmers giving them modern skills and knowledge to improve yields.
Labelling and Packaging
We provide packing and labelling support to farmers ensuring that their products are fit for the global market.
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Sponsored Farmer Training
We need your Help, We started a program of training the under privileged and vulnerable rural farmers with the sole aim of combating hunger and malnutrition in rural areas of Uganda. Training farmers in new and robust farming methods is crucial and where you come in.